Monitor third-party APIs

Your tech stack depends heavily on third-party APIs. Monitor their usage, performance, and availability in real-time. Avoid surprise bills.

Screenshot of config

Avoid surprise bills

Get detailed API usage dashboards. Validate the API provider's claim with your own logs. Collect real-time usage. Get alerts when you are about to hit your quota.

Monitor availability and performance

Monitor third-party API performance and availability in real-time. Ensure that they are meeting their SLAs. Don't trust their status dashboards, have your own.

Identify bottlenecks

Identify slow APIs. Identify APIs that are not being used. Identify duplicate API calls. Get a built-in caching layer to improve performance and reduce costs, especially, for LLMs like OpenAI.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is ObserveAPI?

    ObserveAPI is a monitoring tool for third-party APIs. It helps you monitor API usage, performance, and availability in real-time. It helps you avoid surprise bills. It helps you improve API performance.

  2. How to deploy ObserveAPI?

    Observe API is cloud-native. Observe API comes as a single docker image. You can deploy it on Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or serverless platforms like AWS Fargate, Google Cloud Run, or Azure App Service.

  3. What are the private and security implications?

    Your data stays in your network. Observe API is a self-hosted product. You deploy it in your infrastructure.

  4. How does ObserveAPI help build resilient applications?

    Even the best third-party APIs do go down from time to time. ObserveAPI helps you build resilient software by simulating API failures. You can use your production deployment to inject faults and API failures into the API calls to validate that your application degrades gracefully.

  5. How difficult is it to integrate ObserveAPI with DataDog or New Relic?

    Easy. It is just as simple as setting the right environment variable.

  6. Is there a free demo available?

    Yeah! You can try out the semantic GPTcache for free at All you would need to do is to change the API base to point to the GPTcache.

    • If you use OpenAI, then set environment variable

    • Or, if you use Azure's OpenAI, and your Azure deployment endpoint is "" then set environment variable

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